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8879 Parasitological Hygiene - Five-year degree in Food Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Cellular Biology and Parasitology
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Providing theoretical classes by means of classroom lectures and seminars with active student participation analysing real-life food scares.Practical laboratory classes under supervision of the lecturer and active student participation.
Met. Avaluació
see attached document
ACHA (P.N.) & SZYFRES (B.), 1986.- Zoonosis y Enfermedades transmisibles comunes al Hombre y a los Animales. Segunda edición. Publicación Científica No 503, Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Washington, D.C., 989 pp.
ASH (L.R.) & ORIHEL (T.C.), 1997.- Atlas of human Parasitology. 4th edition. American Society of Clinical Pathologist (ASCP) Press, Chicago, 424 pp.
AYRES (R.M.) & MARA (D.D.), 1996.- Análisis de Aguas residuales para su Uso en Agricultura. Manual de Técnicas parasitológicas y bacteriológicas de Laboratorio. Organización Mundial de la Salud, Ginebra, 31 pp.
BEAVER (P.C.), JUNG (R.C.) & CUPP (E.W.), 1986.- Parasitología clínica. 2ª edición. Salvat Editores, S.A., Barcelona, 882 pp.
BOGITSH (B.J.) & CHENG (T.C.), 1998.- Human Parasitology. 2nd edition. Acad
Acquisition of basic knowledge concerning contaminant, pathogenic and food-spoiling parasites; detection and sample techniques, parasite diagnosis and identification. Acquisition of basic knowledge concerning food-handling hygiene and of the processes to be applied to avoid the presence of infestant parasites (contaminant and pathogenic) and/or the damage of food.
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