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8836 Infant and Juvenile Psychiatry - Six-year degree in Medicine

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
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Popper CW, Steingard RJ. Trastornos de inicio en la infancia, la niñez o la adolescencia. En: Hales RE, Yudofsky SC y Talbott JA dir. Tratado de Psiquiatría. 2ª ed. Barcelona: Ancora; 1996.

A.P.A DSM-IV. Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales. Barcelona: Masson; 1995.

O.M.S. Clasificación Multiaxial Enfermedades -Multiaxial Infancia Adolescencia- (Tomás J, trad.). Barcelona: Gráficas Letra SA; 2001

A. General
The basic contents will be centred in those psychiatric and mental health problems prevailing in infantile and adolescent population, as well as in emergent pathologies. A major aim of the subject will be to acquire diagnositical criteria, clinical knowledge of the different syndromes, basic and appropriate use of psychopharmaceuticals, as well as of some psychotherapeutical interventions and of useful community resources for the general practicioner.
B. Intermediary and specific.
1. to know and to evaluate the symptoms and signs of each dysfunction.
2. to know the clinical criteria for diagnosis.
3. to know how to establish a differential diagnosis
4. to know and to define the factors of risk, protective, predisposing and releasing.
5. to know and to evaluate the level of severity, the course and the prognosis.
6. to acquire attitudes that favour an appropriate doctor-patient relationship, with the biological or substitute family and the scholar personnel.
7. to understand the necessity of the cooperative work so that attitudes that facilitate the cooperation within the therapeutic team and with other professionals (teachers, psychologists, social workers) are adopted.
8. to evaluate the repercussion of the children's symptoms on their habitual activity, on people around them and how their reaction can affect the evolution.
9. future general practicioners should acquire the capacity to discern when