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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

8820 Diet-therapy - Six-year degree in Medicine

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
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Preliminary Programme on the Optional Subject Nutrition and Dietetics

I. Presentation
II. Feeding and nutrition.
III. General principles:
IV. Structures, metabolism and function of the nutrients.
V. Bromatological aspects of the nutrients.
VI . Nutrition in physiologic states
VII. Therapeutic nutrition (Dietotherapy)
A) Hospital dietotherapy:
B) Artificial nutrition:
C) Food allergy:
VIII. Nutrition and diagnosis: Blood hidden in grounds, fat, AVM, 5-OH
indoleacetic, calciuria, Test of tolerance to the glucose, O' Sullivan,

Practicals Programme
PRACTICAL CONTENTS (2 credits in seminar)
The aim is to enable students to: 1) Identify and value the alimentary imbalances in any stage of the life of an individual and the possible real or potential problems from them derived. 2) Select and exchange food with equivalent nutritious value and 3) Elaborate qualitative and quantitatively balanced diets. Students should also acquire dexterity and ability in: Mesure of anthropometric parameters, calculation of nutritional needs, use of instruments to value the ingesta, use and handling of charts on food composition and portions exchange, training patients and their family to elaborate menus and control of unexpected or unknown situations.

1) Valuation of the nutritional state and methods (anthropometric, biochemical, etc.). Nutritional history: registration methods in the c