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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

8399 Applied Marketing - Five-year degree in Pharmacy

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Marketing and Market Research
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
The theory is by the teacherˆ speech supported by transparencies. There is also the possibility to attend individual tutorial sessions.Practices are developed from a collection of exercises to be solved in groups
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Atmella Benavent, E. (1997): Marketing farmacéutico. Como puede desarrollar un marketing eficaz para los medicamentos de prescripción. Ediciones Gestión 2000, S.A. Madrid.
Merinero Fernández, A. (1997): Marketing y ventas en la oficina de farmacia. Editorial Diaz de Santos. Madrid.
Kotler, P. (1997): Dirección de marketing. 8ª edición. Editorial Prentice may. Madrid.
Martín Armario, E. (1993): Marketing. Editorial Ariel Economía. Barcelona.
The main objective of this subject is to give the pupils an adequate scientific formation about the theoretical aspects of the marketing discipline, from the perspective of the management by a pharmaceutical company.