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2502 Information Technology in Tourism - Three-year degree in Tourism

Faculty of Economics
Economic Analysis
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Attendance of lectures and active participation in seminars. Course leader: Gregorio García Mesanat
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
- Caso, E. Et al (2000) Informática para profesionales del turismo. Ed. Anaya Multimedia. Madrid - Guevara, A.; Aguayo, A.; Gálvez, S. Y Caro, J.L. (1997) Internet y turismo. Ed. Miramar - Organización Mundial del Turismo (1999) Promoción de Destinos Turísticos en el Ciberespacio. Madrid
This subject introduces us to the possibilities that offer the Technologies of computer science applied to the tourist sector.It informs the computer science of distribution and information applied to the sector, such as the systems of reservations, the Internet employment, etc. And also to study the effects of these new technologies in the sector. List of contents: Topic 1: Introduction to Internet and the Electronic Trade Topic 2: The new means of distribution and computer science in the tourist sector Topic 3: The suppliers of tourist products and the new technologies Topic 4: The organizations of marketing of the destinies and the suppliers of tourist information in Internet Topic 5: The tourists and the new technologies Topic 6: The tourist intermediaries and the new technologies Topic 7: The new electronic tourist market