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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

15547 Labour and Gender - TICKET 509881, ID36263

Faculty of Social Sciences
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
The final mark will be taken from participation in the theory and practical aspect of the subject
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Para la preparación de los temas de economía y sociología (Parte I y II) pueden tomarse como obras de referencia:
CARRASCO, C. (1999): Mujeres y economía. Nuevas perspectivas para viejos y nuevos problemas, Icaria-Antrazyt, Barcelona.
MARUANI, ROGERAT, TORNS (directoras) (2000) Las nuevas fronteras de la desigualdad: hombres y mujeres en el mercado de trabajo. Icaria. Barcelona
Overcoming the hegemonic vision of the economic and sociological analyses that, when speaking about economy, production, work, etc. is limited to contemplate only the part that has an economic-mercantile character. Only that which has exchange value is valuable.
Making visible all aspects of work (energy, time and abilities) contributed by women to society. To remove the veil of ônaturalnessö that has maintained a great part of the work hidden, which has been carried out mostly by women in family production and subsistence. So doing, in looking for greater social recognition for them, it allows an adjusted vision in the ways of subsistence, of the social divisions of work and their consequences.
º Analyzing the current modalities of sexual division of work and the different theoretical perspectives that are used to study it.
º Studying the problems of employment and of unemployment, and to value the different political proposals from a gender perspective.
º Illustrating the problem of feminization from poverty to world scale, revising the main global indicators that contemplate the gender dimension.
º Facilitating the knowledge and debate of the main theoretical focuses that have been in charge of the existent interdependences among the sexual division of the work, the social construction of gender identities and the inequality
º Exploring the complex -economic, political, ideological, biographical social mechanisms, etc. - tha