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15458 Business Promotion - Five-year degree in Market Research and Techniques

Faculty of Economics
Marketing and Market Research
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Lectures, where theory, models and techniques are presented and explained
Laboratory, where case study and readings comments will be developed.
Met. Avaluació
Part I (50%). Final exam with short/long questions and/or test questions.
Part II (40%). Coursework: peer assessment and in-course presentation.
Part III (10%). Case based question in the final exam.
Alet, J. (2000): Marketing Directo Integrado. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
Bigné, J.E. (2003): Promoción Comercial. Madrid: Esic.
Díez de Castro, E.C. y Landa Bercebal, F.J. (2000): Merchandising, teoría y práctica. Madrid: Pirámide.
Le Monnier, F. (2000): Marketing ferial. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
Palomares, R. (2001): Merchandising. Cómo vender más en establecimientos comerciales. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
Reinares, P. y Calvo, S. (2001): Comunicación en Internet. Madrid: Paraninfo Thomson Learning.
Salén, H. (1999): La promoción de ventas o el nuevo poder comercial. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.
Wilcox, D.L.; Autt, P.H.; Agee, W.K. y Cameron, G.T. (2001): Relaciones públicas: estrategias y tácticas. Madrid: Addison Wesley.
Advertising and sales management won't be analysed in this subject as there are specific subjects for them. The five parts of the syllabus correspond to the rest of the communication tools:

Part I. Introduction.

1. Marketing and communication.

Part II. Public Relations.

2. Classic public relations.
3. Sponsorship.
4. Trade Fairs I.
5. Trade Fairs II.

Part III. Sells Promotion

6. Sells promotion: concept.
7. Sells promotion: techniques.

Part IV. Direct Marketing

8. Direct Marketing: concept.
9. Direct Marketing in Internet: e-commerce.

Parte V. Merchandising.

10. Merchandising I: the shop.
11. Merchandising II: the exhibition area.
The aim of this subject is to allow the student to deep in the knowledge and use of the marketing communication tools. A first approach to them was taken in the subject "Dirección Comercial" (Marketing Management).
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