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14504 Writing and Society in the History of the Valencian Country - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
History of Antiquity and Written Culture
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
The objectives can be summarized shortly as follows: 1º) To provide knowledge of the historiographical process that has lead to the assertion of written culture, showing the conceptual changes that this represents in connection with writing, texts and written language. 2º) To introduce students to forms of production, use and conservation of written memory, as well as their relationship with the construction of historical speech. 3º) To provide students with testimonies that represent different written memoirs within the Valencian Community. The chronological period of study commences with the disappearance of the Iberian writing system, and its substitution by the Latin alphabet, up until the introduction of the printed word.