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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14404 Society Theory - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, directed reading and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Axelrod, R., La evolución de la cooperación, Madrid, Alianza, 1986.
Elster, J., Tuercas y tornillos, Barcelona, Gedisa, 1990.
Gutierrez, G., Etica y decisión racional, Madrid, Síntesis, 2000.
Robbins, L., Ensayo sobre la naturaleza y significación de la ciencia económica, Mexico, FCE, 1980.
Poundstone, W., El dilema del prisionero, Madrid, Alianza, 1995.
Chatelet, F., Historia de las ideologías, 2 vls., Madrid, Zer-Zyx, 1978.
Dumont, L., Ensayos sobre el individualismo, Madrid, Alianza, 1972.
Gray, J., Liberalismo, Madrid, Alianza, 1999.
Holmes, S., Anatomía del antiliberalismo, Madrid, Alianza, 1999.
Manent, P., Historia del pensamiento liberal, Buenos Aires, Emecé, 1990
The course will cover two different thematic fields:
A) Formal study of the collective action, in which disciplines such as theory of games, theory of the collective rationality and economy converge.
B) Historical study of diverse focal points in the attempt to conceptualize the individual's relationship with society.
Both topics constantly intertwine, as one will observe as concepts develop.

1st Quarter
1. Notion of society.
2. Individual and collective rationality.
3. Basic notions of theory of games.
4. Cooperation and related problems.
5. Conventions and norms.
6. Collective decision making (Arrows theorem).
7. Logic of collective action.

2nd Quarter
1. The old ideal of society and its decline.
2. Society as an artifice (Hobbes).
3. Civil society as structure of rights (Locke-Smith).
4. Civil society as history (Ferguson-Hume-Hayeck).
5. Beginning of totalitarian democracy (Rousseau-Baboeuf).
6. Threat on civil society (Hegel-Marx).
7. Freedom as form of life (Tocqueville-Mill).