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13764 Latin Language and Literature II - Five-year degree in Classical Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Classical Languages
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
) Lengua

M. BASSOLS DE CLIMENT, Fonética latina, Madrid 1962 (= 1983, 6ª reimpr.).
ùSintaxis latina, 2 vols., Madrid 1956 (= 1987; 1992, 2ª ed., en un solo vol.).
J.A. BELTRÁN, Introducción a la morfología latina, Zaragoza 1999.
A. ERNOUT, Morphologie historique du latin, Paris 19533 (=1974).
A. ERNOUT - F. THOMAS, Syntaxe Latine, Paris 19532 (= 1989).
S. MELLET - M.D. JOFFRE - G. SERBAT, Grammaire fondamentale du Latin. Le signifié du verbe, Louvain - Paris 1994.
P. MONTEIL, Eléments de phonétique et de morphologie du latin, Paris 1970 (hay traducción española, de C. Fernández: Elementos de fonética y morfología del latín, Sevilla 1992).
H. PINKSTER, Sintaxis y semántica del latín,



I. Translation and commentary on texts:
ù1er quarter: Tito Livio.
ù2º quarter: Virgilio, Eneida.
II. Language: verbal morphosyntax.
1. the opposition infectum / perfectum.
1.1. infectum topics: the conjugations.
1.2. perfectum topics.
2. personal desinences.
3. modal morphemes and temporals.
4. the voice. Deponent verbs and semi-deponents. impersonality.
5. time and aspect. Meaning of the times.
6. the use of the modals. The subjunctive in independent sentences.
7. the nominal forms of the verb: infinitive, participle, gerund, gerundivo, supine.
8. the verbal periphrases. .

III. Metric: the hexametre.
IV. Literature:
1. historiography.
2. Epics