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13593 Curriculum, Democracy and Multicultural Aspects - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lecturer presentation with the intervention of students in practical work.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
-Apple, M. y Beane, J, (1997). Escuelas democráticas. Madrid: Morata.
-Beyer, L. y Linston, D. (2001). El curriculum en conflicto. Perspectivas sociales, propuestas educativas y reforma escolar progresista. Madrid: Akal.
-Connell, R.W. (1997). Escuelas y justicia social. Madrid: Morata.
-Guttman, A. (2001): La educación democrática, Barcelona: Paidós.
-Kincheloe, J. y Steinberg, S. (2000). Repensar el multiculturalismo. Barcelona: Octaedro.
-Martínez, J. (coord.) (2003): Ciudadanía, poder y educación. Barcelona: Graó.
-McCarthy, C. (1994): Racismo y curriculum, Madrid: Morata-Paideia.
-Rancière, J. (2003). El maestro ignorante. Cinco lecciones sobre emancipación intelectual. Barcelona: Laertes
- CONTENT: Theoretical programme: Analysis of the logic that gives sense to the ideas and more outstanding practices that find a place within education today, democracy and multiculturality. Peculiarities of education in and for democracy. Citizenship concept in a multicultural society. Different meanings of multicultural education. The pedagogic vision of constructing identities. Education, justice and equality. Practical programme: It will focus on analysing the problems of democratic and multicultural education through the communication media, cinema and literature. Case Studies. Critical analysis of readings. - OBJECTIVES: - To understand the relationship between curriculum, democracy and multiculturalism. - To acquire committed professional knowledge with equality and emancipation. - To analyze the theoretical and practical uses of the terms multiculturality and democracy. - To establish possible theoretical and practical alternatives where the democratic and multicultural principles materialize in the process of curricular development.