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13580 Psychology of Diversity: Intelligence and Cognitive Processes - Five-year degree in Psychopedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Master lectures; directed discussion; individual and group practices and activities applying theoretical contents.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Calero, M.D. (coord.) (1995) Modificación de la inteligencia: sistemas de evaluación e intervención. Madrid: Pirámide.
Martínez Arias, M.R. y Yela, M. (1991) (coords.) Pensamiento e inteligencia. Madrid: Alhambra.
Sánchez-Cánovas, J. (1995) Naturaleza de la inteligencia humana. En J.M. Latorre Postigo (coord.) Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas I. Madrid: Síntesis
Sánchez-Elvira, A. (2003) Introducción al estudio de las diferencias individuales. Madrid: Sanz y Torres.
Sternberg, R.J. (ed.) (1985) Las capacidades humanas. Un enfoque desde el procesamiento de la información. Barcelona: Labor Universitaria. (trad. cast. 1986).
1. The nature of the human intelligence: concept and measure, aptitudes, achievement and learning. 2. Psychometric perspective: characteristics and critics, hierarchical, not hierarchical and integration models. 3. Cognitive perspective: correlates and components of the intelligence. 4. Recent proposals: practical intelligence and multiple intelligences. 5. Intelligence, development and education. 6. Mental exceptionality: deficiency and extremely gifted persons.
That the students know the main theories and lines of research on the human diversity in the cognitive and mental capacity field. That they acquire basic conceptual and methodological tools to reflect about the nature of the human intelligence, its development and its measure, that they understand and be able to distinguish the main theoretical approximations to the human intelligent systems. That they develop a critical sense concerning the contents of the subject and several intervention and application areas in the educational environment.
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