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13556 Pedagogical Diagnosis and Curriculum Adaptation - Five-year degree in Psychopedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Research Methodology, Educational Diagnosis and Assessment
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theoretical lectures and coursework.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
ALFARO, I. (1995) Del dibujo al aprendizaje de la escritura y de la lectura: problemas en su aprendizaje. En AA.VV. (1995): Tutor Hércules. Serie Padres y Educadores. Niñez., La Coruña: Hércules de Ediciones S.A. tomo III, pp. 144-183.
ALFARO, I. (2001) El tratamiento de los errores en el diagnóstico en Educación. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 20 (1), pp. 433-452
PRESSLEY, M. (1999). Cómo enseñar a leer. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós Ibérica, S.A.
SECADAS, F.; RODRÍGUEZ, M.T. y ALFARO, I. (1994) Escribir es fácil, Madrid: TEA Ediciones S.A.
SECADAS, F.; ALFARO, I. y CORTÉS (2003) Leer es fácil. Madrid: CEPE.
The contents include an in-depth analysis of the following core topics:
1. Base and approaches of a pedagogic perspective in learning difficulties.
2. Main models of diagnosis of the difficulties in learning how to write and read.
3. Debate on prerequisites and maturity to learn how to read and write.
4. Writing. Acquisition of graphic abilities. Holistic and analytic evaluation.
5. Diagnosis of the writing and methodology in the educational intervention.
6. Diagnosis and treatment of reading problems. The error criteria.
This module focusses on studies about the diagnosis of the main problems of school learning (writing and reading) and its adjustment to a curricular dimension. The discussion on different theoretical approaches reveals a variety of diagnostical strategies, procedures and instruments with its subsequent repercussion on the educational intervention and curriculum.
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