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13514 Management and Administration of Human and Technical Resources - Three-year degree in Social Education

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Imparting theoretical knowledge to fix the contents of the programme. Team work. Methdological, participative and creative strategies.
Met. Avaluació
Project work - -
FERNÁNDEZ, T. y ARES, A. (2002): Servicios Sociales: Dirección, gestión y planificación. Madrid: Ciencias Sociales. Alianza
GOLEMAN, D., BOYATZIS, R. y McKEE, A. (2002): El líder resonante crea más. Barcelona: Plaza y Janés.
GÓMEZ-MEJÍA, L., BALKIN, D. y CARDY, R. (2001): Dirección y gestión de recursos humanos. Madrid: Pearson Educación.
MARTÍN, E. (2001): Gestión de instituciones educativas inteligentes. Madrid: McGraw Hill.
VERNIS, A. y otros (2000): La gestión de las Organizaciones no lucrativas. Bilbao: Deusto
CONTENT: Management functioning from the technical, practical and critical perspective. The leadership in the socio-educative institutions. Management activity and leadership style. Leadership in improvement processes. Planning strategy in the non lucrative socio-educative organizations. Strategies of personal administration. Communication and human relationships in framework of participative environments. The administration of human resources in educational institutions, with informal environments and in non lucrative organizations. Patterns of quality in management and administration of human resources and techniques.. Evaluation and supervision of administration in educational institutions with an informal environment and in non lucrative organizations. OBJECTIVES: Building up knowledge and acquiring conceptual instruments to analyze non profit organizations . Systematic and scientific vision to try to understand speeches, models and the most outstanding focus of the organizations and components. Development of cooperative group learning.