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12811 Mathematical Models in Physics - Five-year degree in Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
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Final examination - -
A) Manuals bàsics
· IRODOV, Principios fundamentales de la mecànica. Ed. Mir.
· V. MARTÍNEZ SANCHO, Fonaments de Física. Vol.1: Mecànica, Ones i Electromagnetisme clàssics, (Barcelona, 1991). Vol.II: Termologia, Teoria de la Relativitat, Física Atòmica, Física Nuclear. (Barcelona, 1992). Enciclopèdia Catalana.
· J.E. MARSDEN, A.J. TROMBA, Vector Calculus. Ed. Freemank.
· A.J. CHORIN, J.E. MARSDEN. A Mathematical Introduction to Fluids Mechanics. Texts in Applied Mathematics. Ed. Springer-Verlag, (N.Y.. Berlin. Inc.. 1990).
· F.M. SEARS. G.L. SALINGER, Termodinámica, teoría cinética y termodinámica estadística. Ed. Reverté, (Barcelona, 1980).
· F. POMER, Electromagnetisme bàsic. Educ
The student must understand that each aspect of physics needs knowledge of specific mathematics to be able to develop these areas rigorously and with clarity. At every moment reference is made to developing these mathematical subjects. Thus, the students will see the content as an application of what they have learnt in previous years, or as a justification for learning new mathematics in subjects they have not studied. .

Theory Program:

I : Particle Mechanics

II : Thermodynamics and Mechanics of continuous means
A.- The laws of Thermodynamics
B.- Fluid kinematics

III : Theory of Fields
A.- Gravitation
B.- Electromagnetism

Practical Program

PRACTICE 1. Applying the theory of curves to the study of movements.
PRACTICE 2. Movement in the polar co-ordinates. Keplerian movements.
PRACTICE 3. Conserving the angular movement.
PRACTICE 4. Vectorial analysis and theory of fields.
PRACTICE 5. Fields of force. Conservative systems.
PRACTICE 6. Fluid static.
PRACTICE 7. Ideal gasses: thermodynamic transformations.
PRACTICE 8. Fluid kinematics: velocity fields.
PRACTICE 9. Fluid kinematics: eulerian and lagrangian descriptions.
PRACTICE 10. Fluid Kinematics: equations of continuity.
PRACTICE 11. Movement in the gravitatory field created by a spherical symmetric field.
PRACTICE 12. Electrostatics and magnetostatics. Particle movement in an electromagnetic field.

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