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12797 Projective and related Geometry - Five-year degree in Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
In the theoretical sessions, the active part of its development will correspond basically to the professor. The participation and work of the students in the classroom will be promoted, specially in the practical sessions.
Met. Avaluació
A theoretic and practical examination will be made. In the final qualification, may also be valued the resolution of questions, problems and exposition of subjects that colud possibly be proposed.

Alsina- Trillas. Lecciones de Álgebra y Geometría. Ed. Gustavo gili (GG) Barcelona
Anzola-Caruncho. Problemas de Álgebra ( Vol 6 y 7).
Burgos. Curso de Álgebra y Geometría. Ed. Alhambra.
Castellet-Llerena. Álgebra lineal y Geometría. Manuals de la U.A.B. Barcelona
Frenkel. Geometrie pour l’elève-professeur.Ed. Hermann. Paris,
Hernández. Algebra y Geometría ed: Addison-Wesley/ U.A. Madrid.
1)Affine Space. Definition, first properties, examples..
2)Affine varieties.. Intersection, Sum and Parallelism..
3)Equations of affine varieties..
4)Affine transformations. Properties. Associate Matrices., Canonical Equations, and Classification in 2 and 3 dimenisons. The Affine Group.
5)Euclidean Spaces, First definitions and properties Perpendicularity. Distances. Angles. .
6)Isometries,. Movemements, Canonical Equation and Classification in R2 and R3.
7)Conics, Quadrics, Definition. Metric Classification. .
8) Projective Space. Definion, first properties, Coordinate Systems.
Our aim in this course is to introduce students to the structures of finite dimension affine and projective spaces, so that they can see them as useful tools for geometrical problems. Our second obtective is to study quadrics and classify them.
We will use Linear and Multilinear Álgebra in order to achieve our purposes.
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