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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12783 Numerical Algebra Domains - Five-year degree in Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
In the theoretical sessions, the active part of its development will correspond basically to the professor. The participation and work of the students in the classroom will be promoted, specially in the practical sessions.

Met. Avaluació
A theoretic and practical examination will be made. In the final qualification, may also be valued the resolution of questions, problems and exposition of subjects that colud possibly be proposed.
-Birhkoff – Mac Lane : Algebra Moderna Ed. Vicens Vives

- Stark, H. An Introduction to number Theory (Mit press) 1984

- Niven y Zuckerman : Introducció a la teoria de los números Limusa 1976

- Travesa, A.: Aritmètica. Univ. de Barcelona

- Condamine,M.:Algèbre (Terminales C-E) Delagrave Paris 1971
-Natural Numbers. Finite Sets and Numerable Sets.
-The ring of Integers. Divisibility.
-Prime Numbers .Factorization.
-Congruences. Euler's function. The ring Zn.
-The ordered field of rational numbers. Field of fractions of an integral domain.
-Rational as Decimal Numbers. Continuous fractions.
-Introtuction to algebraic integers.
-The field of complex numbers.
We learn how to construct from the ring of integers to the complex numbers.
We will know the algebraic structure of these sets and their fundamental properties
The students will get familiar with divisibilty in Z, congruences, prime numbers and diophantine equations.
Recognize rational numbers by their decimal expression.
To introduce the students to algebraic numbers.
To be familiar with complex numbers. Roots of unity.
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