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12430 Language Programmes in Infant Education - Three-year degree in Speech Therapy

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
Acosta, V.M. Y otros (1998). Dificultades del habla infantil: un enfoque clínico. Investigación, teoría y práctica. Archidona (Málaga). Aljibe.
1. Education and Preschools. 2. Language in Early Ch. Ed. 3. Development and organization of language stages. 4. Linguistic attention programs. 5. Early literacy. 6. Educational and didactic resources. 7. Linguistic creativity. 8. Language assessment in Early Ch. Ed. 9. Prevention and recovery of linguistic difficulties. 10. School speech therapy. OBJECTIVES: To introduce students to knowledge of early childhood education from a linguistic perspective and proposals for intervention programs aimed to prevent difficulties.