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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12396 Cognitive Behavioural Treatment - Five-year degree in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Master classes for theoretical issues, and interactive classes for
practice issues.
Met. Avaluació
The student will be assessed using a single
examination, that will be composed by a theoretical sub-exam
(objective, four alternative test) and other practical sub-exam. Contents for examination are specified in the
program of the subject, in the BASIC REFERENCES section.
1.Labrador, F.J., Cruzado, J.A., & Muñoz, M. (Eds.) (1993). Manual de
técnicas de modificación y terapia de conducta. Madrid: Pirámide.

2.Caballo, V.E. (Comp.) (1991). Manual de técnicas de terapia y
modificación de conducta. Madrid: Siglo XXI.

3. Capafons, A. (Comp.) (1990). Psicoterapia y modificación de
conducta: compendio de lecturas básicas -I-. Valencia: La Nau

4.Martin, G., & Pear, J. (1999). Modificación de Conducta. Qué es y
cómo aplicarla. Madrid: Prentice Hall.

5.Sulzer-Azzaroff, B., & Mayer, G.R. (1985). Procedimientos del
análisis conductual aplicado con niños y jóvenes. México: Trillas.

6.Vallejo, M.A. (Ed.) (1998). Manual de Terapia de Conducta. Vols. I
y II. Madrid: Dykinson.
1. Introduction to cognitive-behavioral treatments.
History and conceptual basis of the cognitive-behavioral treatments.

2. Applied Functional Analysis of Behavior for increasing

3. Applied Functional Analysis of Behavior for reducing

4. Covert Conditioning.

5. Relaxation Procedures

6. Systematic Desensitization

7. Exposure.

8. Hypnosis

9. Assertive Training

10. Behavioral Modeling

11. Behavioral Self-Control.

12. Biofeedback

13. Problem Solving

14. Rational-Emotive Therapy.

15. Beck’s Cognitive Therapy.

16. Self-Instructional Training.

17. Stress-Inoculation training.
1. To show the student to the most important
cognitive-behavioral procedures: Applied Functional Analysis of
Behavior, exposure, cognitive-behavioral hypnosis,
assertive training, self-control, and cognitive-behavioral therapies.
2. To clarify the basic criteria for developing a adequate
judgment about the of the utility of the different cognitive-
behavioral procedures in the treatment of the psychological disorders
and health problems in general.
3. To present deontological basic issues related to the
application of the cogniyive-behavioral procedures.
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