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12394 Personality Theories - Five-year degree in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment
Lecturers in charge
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Master classes in the development of the theoretical part and, in the practical part, illustration of the theories through texts of its authors; discussions directed on the similarities and differences among them, analysis of the philosophical assumptions on which they are based, etc.
Met. Avaluació
The examination will consist of an objective test that will vary in its length and that can be combined or not with short questions and/or, an written essay according to the professor.
AVIA, M.D. y SÁNCHEZ-BERNARDOS, M.L.: Personalidad: aspectos cognitivos y sociales. Pirámide.1995.
CARVER, C.S. y SHEIER, M.F. Teorías de la Personalidad. Prentice Hall. 1997.
ENGLER, B. Introducción a las Teorías de la Personalidad. McGraw Hill. 1998.
FIERRO, A. (Comp.). Manual de psicología de la personalidad. Paidós. 1996.
PELECHANO, V. (Coor.). Psicología de la Personalidad: Teorías. Ariel. 1996.

The concrete content of the term includes an introductory chapter that provides the minimum keys or tools necessary to be able to locate and to analyze, critically, the different theories later analyzed. In this theme it is contemplated, for example, the concept of theory itself, and the philosophical assumptions and scientific declarations in which the different proposals lean. The following themes refer to the main perspective or theoretical blocks of the personality, being exemplified them through the most representative authors of each one of them: psychoanalytic and neopsychoanalytic approaches; fenomenologic-humanist approach; learning and behavioral theories; dispositional theories and cognitiv theories of the personality. The didactic and pedagogical structure that stays in each one of these themes include, in the first place, a general introduction of the theoretical block and following, the presentation of the concrete theories of the authors contemplated in this block. It is detachhed in basic exposition, biography of the studied theoretician, proposals around the structure, dynamics and development of the personality, and positioning in the different philosophical assumptions and evaluation of the theory (critics, contributions and support received at investigation level).
To offer to the student a general description of the main classic and present theories about the personality; integrating the clear explanation of the theory with the most recent investigation. It is also tried to stimulate the critical thought of the student, through informing, in a balanced and concise way, about the limitations and weakness of the diverse theories, and its positive value as well.
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