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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12320 Programme Assessment - Five-year degree in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Theoretical part will consist of an objective
Practices will be carried out in groups of between 3 and 5
students and will be tutoring by the professor of the matter. The
practice will conclude with a report.
Alvira, F. (1991). Metodología de la evaluación de programas. CIS. Madrid
Fernandez-Ballesteros (ed.). (1995). Evaluación de programas: Una guía práctica en ámbitos sociales, educativos y de salud. Madrid: Síntesis
Hawe, P y Degelin, D. (1993). Evaluación en promoción de la salud. Mason.
Pérez-Llantada, M.C. y López de la Llave, A. (1999). Evaluación de programas de salud y servicios sociales: Metodología y Ejemplos. Madrid: Dykinson.
1. - The cycle of social intervention and evaluation 2.
- Basic conceptual questions in program evaluation 3. - The process
of program evaluation. 4. - The use of the program evaluation
II 5. - Procedures of collection of information in program evaluation 6. - Designs of
evaluation of programs. 7. - Analysis of data
III APPLICATIONS 8. ? Program evaluation in different scopes of
Learning of basic knowledge on design and evaluation of programs.
Learning of the abilities necessary to plan an evaluation of program
in the areas of the psychology degree. Connection and application of
other referred learning to related matters that can be useful.
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