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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13394 Music Groups - Three-year degree in Music Education

Faculty of Teacher Training
Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Develop expression and communication vias by playing instruments and
choir singing , basic the metodology creatives contmporany for in balance with the context of students.
Met. Avaluació
-Theoric exam.
Sing and voices.
Harmonize and instrumentation of two or thee voices.
Interpretation an Direction of:
1.- Two school themes Chorals of two or more voices.
2.- An Instrumental school repertoire elaborate during the course.

Alcàntera J A. (1995) Com educar autoestima. E. Edicions CEAC. Barcelona.

Gallo-Graetzer- Nardi- Russo. El Director del cor. Ricordi Americana. Buenos Aires. 1979.
Enciclopèdia Salvat de la Música. ( 1967). Barcelona.
Forestier R. Despertar a art introducció al màs sonor. E. Música Moderna. Madrid.
Hamel F. Hurliman M.(1980) Enciclopèdia de la Música. E. Grijalbo. Barcelona.
Kaelin- Manzárraga. Direcció Coral. E. Col. Cul S A. Madrid 1959.
Lips, H. Iniciatció a la tècnica vocal. Lleida 1977.
Mansió, M. L'estudi del cant. Ricordi Americana. Buenos Aires.
Menaldi, J . La veu normal.Panamericana.Buenos Aires.1995
Olazábal T. Acústica musical i organología. E. R

To provide the students with the necessary theoretical and practical basis of voice technique, metodology. Groupal songs. Song styles to learn and teach a repertoire on different school levels.
To harmonize and prepare the knowledgeof covert chorus instrumentation.
A repertory construction. A begginers way of chorus direction and school instrumentation.
Direction styles Basic figures. Air beats Subdivision Anacrusa Cuts The final.
The purpose of the course is to know, understand and develop the hearing perception, the voice working , psycomotion , capacity, the sense of the students.
To adquire the skillon modelate the voice ( on single or group way ) and the percussion instruments.
To develop naturally and spontancity on musical direction of students for school music groups.
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