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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13135 Molecular and Cellular Biology - Five-year degree in Odontology

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theorical lessons, practic lessons.
Met. Avaluació
Final exam
DEVLIN, T.M. Bioquímica: libro de texto con aplicaciones clínicas. 2 tomos. Reverté, Barcelona.
JENKINS, G. Fisiología y bioquímica bucal. LIMUSA, México.
LOZANO TERUEL, J.A. Bioquímica para ciencias de la salud. Interamericana McGraw-Hill, Nueva York.
MATTHEWS, C.K. Y VAN HOLDE, K.E. Bioquímica. McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Madrid.
STRYER, L.Bioquímica. Reverté, Barcelona.
WILLIAMS, R.A.D. y ELLIOT, J.C. Bioquímica dental básica y aplicada. El Manual Moderno, México.
The biochemical organization of living beings.Protein structure and function.General aspects of enzyme function.Enzyme kinetics.Mechanisms of enzyme regulation.Nucleic acid structure and function. Molecular bases of gene expression and protein biosynthesis.Intermediate metabolism.Intermediate metabolism of sugars.Biological characteristics of the oral cavity.Biochemical bases of platelet function, their alterations, analysis and therapy
1. To present an overview of the biochemical and molecular bases of the function of the human body under normal conditions and under the most relevant situations of metabolic alteration.
2. To introduce the biochemical and molecular aspects of the more relevant structures and functions of the oral cavity under normal conditions and under the most relevant situations of buco-dental pathology.
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