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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

9846 School Organisation and Management (Preparatory Course leading to the Pedagogy Degree) - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures and practical activities. Individual and cooperative work. Didactic tools.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
BOLIVAR, A. (1999): Cómo mejorar los centros escolares. Madrid. Síntesis
CARRASCO, M.J. y otros (2002) Organización escolar. Aspectos básicos para docentes. Granada. Grupo Editorial Universitario.
GAIRIN, J. y DARDER, P.(1994): Organización de los centros docentes. Barcelona. Praxis
GIMENO SACRISTÁN, J. (1998) Poderes inestables en educación. Madrid. Morata.
GIROUX, H. (1993): La escuela y la lucha por la ciudadanía. México. Siglo XXI
SANTOS, M.A. (2000): La escuela que aprende. Madrid, Morata.
VARELA, J. y ALVAREZ-URÍA, F. (1991) Arquelogía de la escuela. Madrid. La Piqueta.
- CONTENT: 1- School Organization in educational centers. 2- Knowledge and administration of centers. 3- The new political regulation in the organizational framework of centers. 4- The educational center as a space of change, innovation and socialization - OBJECTIVES: - To build up learning in a significant way. - To learn how to work autonomously and in a group. - To know the structure and operation of educational centers. - To analyze the organizational cultures in the centers. - To know the biography of centers according to models of educational administration. - To critically evaluate the educational policies encompassed by the Organic Law of Quality Education.