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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

9279 Nutritional Physiology in Sports - Five-year degree in Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Teacher explains theoretic contents in the room, which are complemented by laboratory practice. Tutorials allow to clarify doubts and to comments several aspects of interest for the student in a more personalized manner.
Met. Avaluació
A final general exam about the theoric and practic contents of the subject.
Basic Bibliography
* Alimentación del deportista. Autor: González Ruano. Ed. Marban
* Nutrición y ayudas ergogénicas en el deporte. Autor: J. González Gallego y José G. Villa Vicente. Ed. Síntesis
* Dietética. Principios y aplicaciones. Autor: E. Rojas Hidalgo
Ed. Aula Médica
* Alimentación para el deporte y la salud. Autor: JR Barbany
Ed. Martínez Roca

Advanced Bibliography
* Tratado de Nutrición. Autor: M. Hernández-Rodríguez y A. Sastre Gallego. Ed. Díaz de Santos
* Tratado de Fisiología Médica. Autor: Guyton y Hall. Ed. Elsevier Saunders
* Bioquímica. Autor: E. Herrera. Ed. Interamericana - McGraw-Hill
Theoric program (4.5 credits) includes three sections: I) Biochemistry: structure and metabolism of nutrients; II) Digestion and metabolism of nutrients; and III) Metabolism, nutrition and physical activity. Practical sessions (1.5 credits) include exercises on bioenergetic and metabolism, nutrition sources in internet, and valuation of diary food intakes and dietary plans for athletes.
The aim of this subject is to allow the student to know the human nutritional requirements and the understanding of the mechanisms by which the nutrients contained in foods are integrated in the general metabolism. In addition, the student should to know the especial nutritional requirements in sports and the influence of diet on athlete performance.
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