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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

8860 Dietetics and Nutrition - Five-year degree in Food Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Prev. Medicine, Public Health, Food Sc.,Toxic. and For. Med.
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theoretical Classes in the classroom, where the materialesaudiovisuales available were used. Obligatory practical exercises in the laboratory and the computer science classroom. The active participation of the students will be always stimulated.
Met. Avaluació
Examination of the theoretical and practical content. Approved with qualification equal or superior to 5/10. Eliminatory examination of the first semester with 5/10 for June. The examination of the second call will include all the theoretical and practical agenda. Obligatory attendance to practices.
Clapés, J; Cervera, P and Rigolfas, R: Alimentacio'n and Dietoterapia. Mc Graw-Hill, Barcelona 1998 Dupin, U. ET. Alimentation ET Nutrition Humaines. ESR. Paris 1992 Good Entrala, A. Manual of dietetic. Grupo Aula Me'dica S.A. Madrid 1994 Gibson, RS (1990) Principles of Nutritional Assesnient. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Hernandez M and Tailor To Treaty of nutrition. Diaz de Santos. Madrid (1999) Linder, MC: Nutrition: biochemical, metabolic and clinical aspects. EUNSA Pamplona (1988) Mahan, LK & Scott-Stump, S: Nutrition and Dietoterapia of Krause. Mc Graw- Inter-American Hill. Mexico (1998) Martinez, JA: Theoretical-practical foundations of Dietetic Nutrition and. Inter-American Graw-Hill. Madrid (1998) Soriano of Castle J.M., Human basic Nutrition. Valencia. 2007
· Their physiological utility, characteristic biochemical, metabolism, habitual nourishing sources, ingestions recommended and effects of their imbalance study deeply the most outstanding aspects of each nutrient, developing systematically on the health, as well as the interactions between nutrients
· To review the modifications and adaptations which life stages from (from the childhood to the greater people) and circumstance are due to make in different, as well as to establish the bases of an feeding balanced in colectivity
· Analyze the effective nourishing patterns and the advantages and disadvantages that, from the nourishing-nutricional point of view their followers raise, and the methodology to use to value the nutritional state and the ingestions nourishing of individuals and communities.
· Study the main chronic pathologies related to the processes of feeding-nutrition and the hygienic-dietetic guidelines that agree to follow for their prevention, treatment and control
To acquire the own language of the different disciplines that conform the science of foods and to know the systems bibliographical update. To analyze the the effective nourishing patterns. Study of macro and micronutrients. To review the modifications and adaptations that are due to make in different stages from the life and circumstances, as well as to establish the bases of an feeding balanced in colectivity. Methodology to use to value the nutricional state and the ingestions nourishing of individuals and communities. Study the chronic pathologies related to the feeding-nutrition processes.
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