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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

6250 Functional analysis - Three-year degree in Statistical Sciences and Techniques

Faculty of Mathematics
Mathematical Analysis
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
There are two parts, one theoretical and another of practical
character. The teacher will develop the theoretical part. In the practical part the students
will discuss and solve a number of exercises related to the theory; such exercises will be
provided by the teacher.

Met. Avaluació
An examination will be held in each convocatory. It will
consist of a theoretical part and a practical one.

Azid el Kacimi, Introduccion al Analisis Funcional. Ed. Reverte, 1993
-J. B. Conway, A Course of Functional Analysis. Second Edition. Ed. Springer, 1990.
-G.J.O. Jameson, Topology and Normed Spaces. Ed. Chapman and Hall, 1982.
-L.Lusternik & V. Sobolev, Precis d'Analyse Fonctionelle. Ed. Mir, 1989.
-A.E. Taylor & D. C. Lay, Introduction to Functional Analysis. Ed. Wiley and Sons, 1980.

1. Normed spaces: Norms on a vector space. Examples of normed and Banach
spaces. Some sequence and function Banach spaces.

2. Linear mappings: Norm of a linear mapping between normed spaces. The space of linear
and continuous mappings. Examples, the case of the integral operators. Estimating the
norm of some operators.

3. Hilbert spaces: Definition. Examples. Ortogonal and ortonormal systems.
Paralelogram's rule. The projection along a closed subspace.

4. Spectral analysis of operators and compact operators: The spectrum of an operator.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Compact operators. The spectral descomposition theorem. Some
Let the student know the Functional Analysis foundations so that he/she learns
the basic methods and tools of the Banach and Hilbert space theories as well as those of
the operator theory.

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