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2536 Strategic Reasoning and Games for Tourist Entrepreneurs - Three-year degree in Tourism

Faculty of Economics
Economic Analysis
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Attendance to lectures and active participation in seminars. Course leaders: Gonzalo Olcina, Antoni Cunyat, Vicente Calabuig
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
- Olcina, G y Calabuig, V (2002), Conducta estratégica y economía. Una introducción a la teoría de juegos. Tirant lo Blanch - Gardner, R (1996), Juegos para empresarios y economistas,. Antoni Bosch Editor
It is an introductory course of the models of the theory of games in the areas applied to the economy. Syllabus: 1-Introduction to the game and strategic reasoning 2-Simultaneous games: to foresee the response of the rival 3-Games with private information 4-Dynamic games: strategic plays 5-Bilateral negotiation 6-Repeated games: the collusion 7-Dynamic games with private information: signs and reputation