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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

1689 Social Communication Techniques - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Psychology
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Exhibitions on the part of the professor of the matter on the subject contents and the following dialogue with the students and activities in referred small groups
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work

Berjano, E.; Pinazo, S. (2001) "Interacción social y comunicación". Valencia. Tirant lo Blanch.

Pinazo, S.; Berjano, E. (2001) "Interacción social y comunicación: Ejercicios prácticos". Valencia. Tirant lo Blanch.


Alvarez, J.T. (1987) ôHistorias y modelos de la comunicación en el siglo XXI" Barcelona. Ariel.

Ander-Egg, E; Agular, M.J. (1988) "Cómo aprender a hablar en público". Buenos Aires. Humanitas.

Benedito, M.A.; Pinazo, S.; Musitu, G. (1996) "Habilidades sociales y asertividad: Un programa de entrenamiento de las habilidades sociales". Valencia Cristobal Serrano. Facultad de Psicología.

Caballo, V (1993) "Manual de evaluación y entrenamiento de las habi

The teaching of groups A and B will be given in Valencian, while that of group F
will be given in Castilian.

The program that is presented in the labeled subject as Social Communication Techniques
Social is given in a single module of mixed contents (theoretical-practical).

The group A will be given during the first quarter of the course, on Thursdays from 12.30 to 14.30 and Fridays from 10.30 to 12.30 and it will be imparted by the Prof. Enrique Beejano; The group F, will be imparted in the first quarter on Wednesdays and Fridays from 15.30 to 17.30 and it will be imparted by the Pfsora. Mariam Benedito. The group B will be imparted during the second quarter on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12.30 to 14.30 and it will be imparted by the Prof. Enrique Beejano. The classroom assigned for all the groups is 502.

The program seeks the attainment of the following OBJECTIVES:

1. - Introduce the student to the theoretical and practical field of the fact of social communication.

2. - Offer a professional future that can have an outstanding role in the processes of interpersonal and social communication, a series of techniques that facilitate a better learning in the development of human relationships.

3. - Awaken the students interest in the analysis of the social media through certain techniques that facilitate the adoption of a critical attitude regarding the comunicative process that is de