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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

15546 Labour and Social Exclusion - TICKET 509881, ID36263

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Work and Social Services
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
The lecturer will impart the programmed content. Jointly sessions will be developed with a more practical orientation in which outlined aspects will be approached in some of the topics pointed out in the program
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
Abécassis F. et Roche, P. (coord.) Precarisation su travail et lien social. LÆHarmattan, Paris.

Anderson, M.B. (1998): Desarrollo y diversidad social. Centro de Investigación para la paz (CIP) de la Fundación Hogar del Empleado. Oxfam UK. Icaria, Barcelona.

Anisi, D. (1995): Creadores de escasez. Alianza, Madrid.

Beck, U. (2000): Un nuevo mundo feliz: la precariedad del trabajo en la era de la globalización, Paidós. Estado y Sociedad. Barcelona.

Borgaza, C. y otros (1997): ôInserción por el trabajo de personas desfavorecidas. El papel de las entidades no lucrativasö, Inserción y nueva economía social. Defourny, J. Favreau, L. Y Laville, J. L. (Drs.) Un balance internacional. CIRIEC, Valencia.

Keane, J. (1992): Democracia y socied


The objective of this subject is that students achieve to understand the reach of the social phenomenon of social exclusion as one of the most serious consequences of the precariousness of the labour market in our society, as well as the knowledge of formulas and insertion strategies towards the social inclusion.


· Distinguish the rejection as a process of social isolation of other phenomena of social precariousness.
· Know the social consequences of precariousness of labour market and of unemployment.
· Detect the situations of social isolation caused by the processes of exclusion of the labour market. · Identify population's groups with severe problems to access to the labour market.
· Know the social characteristics of the specially vulnerable communities.
· Know the insertion strategies promoted from the public environment and from the private one.
· Recognize the parallel circuits of insertion of labour and formative character.