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15455 Tourism Marketing - M. SPE. SECTOR MARKETING

Student Information Service-Master
Marketing and Market Research
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Attendance of the theoretical classes and active participation in the practical lessons. Coordinator: Luisa Andreu
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Bigné, E.; Font, X. y Andreu, L. (2000): Marketing de destinos turísticos. Análisis y estrategias de desarrollo. Esic, Madrid.
Parra, E. y Calero, F. (eds.) (2006). Gestión y dirección de empresas turísticas. McGraw Hill, Madrid [chapters: 13 al 18].
The aim of this subject is to get used to concepts such as demand, tourist behaviour, market segmentation, market research or marketing plan in the touristic industry. Creation of touristic products, price fixation, communication and distribution. 1. Introduction to touristic marketing 2. Strategic analysis of the touristic market 3. Marketing Mix in tourism 4. Agent Marketing in tourism
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