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14786 Historiographical Techniques in Documentary Research - Three-year degree in Library Sciences and Documentation

Faculty of Geography and History
History of Antiquity and Written Culture
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Theoretical and practical classes on different days. Students will be issued with a Dossier of Didactic Material that contains a detailed outline of each topic, synopsis and reproductions of documents, manuscripts, epigraphs, stamps,
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
To place Paleography and Diplomatics in the context of historical sciences. To clarify terminology used. To provide student with knowledge of abbreviations. To understand the role of man as a producer and consumer of the written word. To differentiate the different historical stages of Latin writing. To describe and explain features that characterize different types of writing. To show the use that entities in power made of writing as an element to control the illiterate masses. To know the phases of the documention process. To establish the difference between public and private documents. To clarify the three constituent parts of the basic outline of public and private documents. To provide students with knowledge of the main data systems. To show the role of stamps as a validation element. To highlight the role of chancelleries and notarial clerkships.