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14760 Evaluation of Information Systems and Services - Three-year degree in Library Sciences and Documentation

Faculty of Geography and History
History of Science and Documentation
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theoretical classes, practical classes and the student's works.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
- Abad García, M.F. Investigación evaluativa en documentación: aplicación a la documentación médica. Valencia, Servei de publicacions de la universitat de Valencia, Col.leccio educació, serie materials nº 23. 1997, 232 pp.
- Abad García, MF. Evaluación de las operaciones de análisis y difusión de la información. En López Yepes (Coord).
- Lancaster W. Evaluación de la biblioteca. Madrid, ANABAD 1993, 374 pp.
- Fuentes JJ. Evaluación de las bibliotecas y centros de documentación e información. Trea. 1999, 237 pp.
- Bawden D. User oriented evaluation of information sistems and services. Londres, Gower
The aim of this subject is for the student to be able to obtain a general vision on the aspects that can influence information systems in operating properly or not, as well as the methods commonly used for evaluation. At the end of the course the student should have become familiarized with the specific terminology of this area; be able to execute and to evaluate a bibliographical search on the topic correctly; be self-sufficient enough to carry out a critical reading of a work on the matter and in the future be able to incorporate the results of evaluative research to their professional practice. The syllabus is structured in three modules, the first one dedicated to methodological foundations, the second formed by theoretical-practical lessons focused towards the evaluation of information systems from an operative perspective and a third block which thinks about evaluation from the user's perspective.