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14713 Representation in Cinema - Five-year degree in Audiovisual Communications

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Language Theory and Communication Sciences
Lecturers in charge
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Romaguera i Ramió,Joaquim/Benavente, Lorenzo/Bonifacio,Juan (Eds.):
Metodologías de la historia del cine.Gijón.Festival Internacional de Cine/Fundación Municipal de Cultura, 1989.
Allen,Robert C. y Gomery, Douglas:
Teoría y práctica de la historia del cine. Barcelona. Paidós, 1995.
Sánchez-Biosca, Vicente y Benet, José Vicente(Eds.) :
El cine clásico y nosotros: Teoría, Historia. Archivos de la Filmoteca, 14. Generalitat Valenciana, junio 1993
Aumont,J.; Bergala,A ;Vernet,M.: ôEl cine y su espectadorö, en Estética del cine. Barcelona. Paidós,1989
ôLa llegada del sonido a Hollywoodö, en Palacio,Manuel y Santos, Pedro: Historia General del Cine, vol.VI. La transición del mudo
I Introduction. The construction of ôhistory of the cinemaö. the spectator s construction: external and the projective mechanism . The classic relationship: Law and Desire. The lineal assembly and the cause-effect relationships The tensional balance of the classic pattern. II The transition from the silent film to hearing films: the case of City Lights. The economic crisis of the World cup of 1929. Problems of exploitation in film. The situation in Europe and in the United States. The North American hegemony. The Warner Brothers and The Jazz Singer. The remodeling of studies and of the big production companies. III Historical origins of the gender notion. Planning and rationalization of the demand. The producers of Hollywood: the ôfive bigö and ôthree smallö. The internal censorship of gender and the approaches of verisimilitude. The production design and the visual finish of the film: the case of Gone With the Wind. The Star-System and the machinery of Hollywood IV The Musical and its evolution: from the ômusicalö as adjective to the ôMusicalö as noun. The spectator s place: interpellation and persuasion. Busby Berkeley and the ideological speech of the Musical . The symbolic and immediate use of the object in the Musical classic The modern and post-modern Musica The melodrama. Narrative and emotional strategies of the melodrama. Time and objects. The melodrama and the classic narrative pattern. The divided subject of psychoanalysis and the wounded cha
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