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14632 History of Engraving - Five-year degree in History of Art

Faculty of Geography and History
Art History
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Given the nature of this subject, the teaching method has two complementary sides. One, to impart theoretical-practical classes; the other, is of eminently practical character.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
One of the greatest revolutions to take place in the field of communication and its graphic representation was the use of engraving, which was widespread. For this reason, one of the objectives of this subject consists fundamentally in studying the techniques that have been practised over the centuries, such as xylography and chalcography, an to these we add lithography and silk-screen, techniques encompassed by graphic art. A second objective is to study the main authors in different times and countries; and in third place, given the different fields of knowledge in which engraving is found, such as artistic, scientific, political, literary, religious, etc ...make an analysis of the main works and the context in which they arose.