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14413 Rationality Theories - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, compulsory directed reading and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Horkheimer, M. y Adorno, Th., Dialéctica de la Ilustración, Madrid, Trotta, 1994.
Hume, D., Tratado de la naturaleza humana, Madrid, Tecnos, 1998.
Lyons, W., Emoción, Barcelona, Anthropos, 1993.
Putnam, H., Razón, verdad e historia, Madrid, Tecnos, 1988.
Weber, M., La ciencia como profesión. La política como profesión, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1992.
Since modern times a conception of rationality defined by calculation, prevision, effectiveness, neutrality and majority agreements, has imposed itself not only on science but also on the image of our culture. Distintion between concepts such as: means and ends, facts and values, beliefs and desires, reasons and emotions, etc. will be examined in this course, to show the problems that a rigid interpretation of these concepts causes, and to suggest alternative focuses that, without erasing frontiers, make them more diffuse and reviewable.


1. Reason and Modernity.
1.1. Rationalization processes in the modern culture.
1.2. Enlightenment and eclipse of reason
2. Formal conceptions of rationality.
2.1. Weber s theory of means-ends
2.2. Constitution of new means.
2.3. Practical reasoning and deliberation.
3. facts and values.
3.1. Subjective conception of values.
3.2. Anti-subjective arguments.
3.3. Factual knowledge and neutrality.
4. Reason and Passion.
4.1. Racionalistic thesis of the irrationality of emotions.
4.2. Theory of inefficiency of reason.
4.3. Some objections to theory.
4.4. Rationality and emotion.