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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14392 Current Issues in Ethics - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, directed reading and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ANNAS, J. The morality of happiness, Nueva York, 1995
HAMPSHIRE, S. Dos reorías de la moralidad, México, 1984
CANTO-SPERBER, La inquietud moral y la vida humana, Barcelona, Paidós 2002
LLEDO, E. Memoria de la ética, Madrid, Taurus, 1994
RYLE, G. The concept of mind, Harmondsworth, Perguin, 1963 (trad.esp.)
SCHNEEWIND, B. The invention of autonimy, Cambridge U.P. 1998
WILLIAMS, B. La ética y los límites de la filosofía, Caracas, Monte Avila, 1997
Williams, B. Shame and necessity, Berkeley/Los Angeles, 1993
The course doesn't seek to examine aspects of "applied ethics" but certain important deficiencies of modern ethical theories, in the light of modern studies: (S. Hampshire, M. Nussbaum, B. Williams, J. Annas) showing how many of the elements of Greek ethics are in fact contemporary issues. On one hand, modern ethics have lost many concepts, principles of ancient ethics (moral disposition or virtue, emotions, enjoyment of life...) , and thus, tends to become very limited. On the other hand, characteristic concepts of that period (such as autonomy, duty, utility, etc.) can be better understood if we consider them as abstract, Cartesian transformations, ancient concepts closer to every day life. We could conclude by stating the necessity of a certain deflation in ethics and a reclamation of moral practice of individuals.


1. Deflation of moral philosophy.
2. Moral dispositions.
3. Emotions.
4. Personal life and duties.
5. Autonomy.
6. Utility.
7. Pluralism and relativism.