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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14386 Ontology - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, essay writing and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ARISTÓTELES: Metafísica, libros A, G, E, Z-H-O, es decir, Metafísica, I, IV, VI, VII-VIII -IX , Edición Castellana de Tomás Calvo Madrid, Gredos
KANT: Crítica de la Razón Pura.
HEIDEGGER: "La tesis de Kant sobre el ser", en Qué es metafísica y otros ensayos. B. Aires, Siglo XX.
Identidad y diferencia
ZUBIRI: Los problemas fundamentales de la Metafísica occidental. Madrid. Alianza, Sobre la realidad. Madrid, Alianza
Ontology is the title of a "Quaestio Disputata" in Philosophy, understood as the task of identifying. Linked to the tradition that starts with Aristotle, and subject to criticism within the Modern era, current philosophical conscience understands, although in different ways, that the philosophy contains, as something that sustains it, ontological aspects, or is concerned by the ontological problem. The Course intends to enter in depth into decisive historical moments regarding this matter, such as Kant's analysis. Starting with the classical theories of Aristotle and ending with Heidegger and Zubiri's revision in the XX century of Kant's analysis of ontology.

· Aristotle, the problem of sophya and the epistemic search.
· Universality of search of science: "To on hei on"
· Being, entity, substance and essence.
· Priority and theology
· The Aristotelian inheritance and the Christian horizon

1. The modern era and the question of pure rational knowledge.
2. Kant, metaphysics and analysis of reason
3. Primary knowledge, or transcendental philosophy
4. Limits of reason and the concept of pure experience
5. Understanding and thought of the object
6. Structure of subjectivity or the principles of "form-object"
7. Reason and unity
Conclusion: Ontology or analysis of understanding?

Appendix 1. Heidegger and the ontodological structure of metaph