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14341 Philosophy of Culture - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, essay writing and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Anders, G. Nosotros los hijos de Eichmann. Paidós. Barcelona. 1998
Elias, N. El proceso de civilización. FCE. (esp, la 1ª y 2ª paret del cap. 1º)
Jünger, E. Sobre el Dolor y la Movilización Total. Tusquets. Barcelona
Sánchez Durá, N. (edit.) Ernst Jünger: guerra, técnica y fotografía. Univ. de Valencia. 3ª edición. 2003
Sloterdijk, P. Temblores de Aire. En las fuentes del terror. Pretextos. Valencia.2003
Wittgenstein, L. Aforismos, Cultura y Valor. Espasa Calpe. Madrid. 1995
The course will be centered around two related aspects. On one hand the contrast between the French concept of " civilisation " and the German concept of " Kultur ". On the other hand, some technical aspects will be analyzed, such as the imact of progress on civilization and cultural pessimism. The central point for discussion will be based around philosophical texts from the first third of the twentieth century, focussing on experiences of war and the phenomenon of terror as characteristics of the modern era.