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14158 Concepto, Metodología y Evaluación Traductológicas en las Escuelas de Ámbito Anglosajón - L.FILOL.INGLESA 00

Facultad de Filología, Traducción y Comunicación
Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Profesor responsable
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures and translation criticism
Met. Avaluació
Examen Final - -
AMOS, F. (2001) [1920] Early Theories of Translation. New York. Columbia UP. Reprint by Anonymous Press.
BASSNETT-MCGUIRE, S. (1980) Translation Studies. London. Methuen.
BASSNETT-MCGUIRE, S. & TRIVEDI, H. (eds) (1999) Post-Colonial Translation. Theory and Practice. London & New York. Routledge.
Objetivos/Aims of the Course

- To serve as an introduction to the theory and practice of the translation studies in English, highlighting their relevance for English culture and civilization.

Unit 1: The linguistic method in translation. Terminological differentiations.
Unit 2: The methodology of translation processes: the binary and ternary models. Other schemata. Text typology. The addressee in translation and other principles.Faithfulness to the original text (TL1). Translation techniques.
Unit 3: Traditional evaluation and criticism. Evaluation and criticism from the point of view of translation studies.
Unit 4: Introduction to translation studies. The history of ' translation'.
Unit 5: Translation in the Classical world. Cicero, Horace. Quintilian.
Unit 6: Bible translating in time. St. Jerome. Wyclif(fe). Erasmus. Luther. Tyndale.
Unit 7: The Middle Ages. The 'Escuela de Traductores de Toledo'.
Unit 8: The Renaissance: Étienne Dolet. Juan Luis Vives. Joachim Du Bellay.
Unit 9: 17th theories of translation. The belles infidèles.
Unit 10: The 18th century. Alexander Pope. Samuel Johnson. A.F. Tytler.
Unit 11: The 19th century. Samuel Coleridge. A.W. Schlegel. F. Schlegel. F. Schleiermacher. J.W. Goethe. W. von Humboldt. The Victorian translators. M. Arnold.
Unit 12: 20th century theories of translation:
Ezra Pound, Walter Benjamin, Jorge Luis Borges. José Ortega y Gasset. Paul Valèry. Ro