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13992 History of Italian - Five-year degree in Italian Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
French and Italian
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
Manuale: Marazini, 1994; Grammatica storica (Patota, 2002; Rohlfs, 1966; Tekavcic, 1972; Zamboni, 2000); Storia della lingua (Bruni, 1987; Coletti, 1993; De mauro, 1986; Durante, 1981; Marazzini, 1993; etc.) Francesco Bruni, 1987. Lˆitaliano. Elementi di storia della lingua e della cultura. Torino. UTET. Vittorio Coletti, 1993, Storia dellˆitaliano letterario. Torino: Einaudi. Claudio Marazzini, 1994. La lintua italiana. Profilo storico. Bologna: il Mulino. Alberto Zamboni, 2000. Alle origini dellˆitaliano. Dinamiche e tipologie della transizione del latino. Roma: Carocci.
1. Historical study of Italian language: instruments and methodology. 2. Present Italian: Italian and dialects. 3. Italian historical grammar: main evolutionary phenomena in the change of Latin into Italian. 4. Origins period: first written manifestations of vulgar Italian. 5. "Duecento". 6."Trecento": Three kingdoms. The fortune of the Florentine. 7. "Quattrocento": Humanism; crisis of the vulgar . 8. First "Cinquecento": rule fixation. Language aspect. 9. Second "Cinquecento": toward a common literary language. 10. "Seicento": Crusca's contribution; scientific language. 11. "Settecento": Italian's linguistic renovation. 12. First "Ottocento": Manzoni's contribution . 13. From Italy's unification to the First World War. 14. The Fascist "ventennio". Objectives: To know and to understand the main phenomena and Italian evolutionary processes in their historical dimension and relate them with the literary production and with the current Italian linguistic situation. To relate these phenomena and processes with the main associated historical-cultural matters. To know and understand positions, methodology and interpretations variety regarding the mentioned problems.