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13891 Modern and Contemporary Spanish Theatre - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Methodology is centered on the cultural and artistic contexts of theatrical periods, criticism of offered dramatic texts as example of dramatic evolution and should is opened a debate on the texts studied.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Manuales y textos complementarios de consulta.

David T. Gies, El teatro en la España del s. XIX. Cambridge University Press.
J.Mª Díez Borque (ed.), Historia del teatro en España, II (siglos XVIII y XIX). Ed. Taurus.
G.Carnero, Estudios sobre teatro español del siglo XVIII. Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
J. Rubio Jiménez, El teatro en el siglo XIX. Playor.
R. Andioc, Teatro y sociedad en el Madrid del siglo XVIII. Castalia.
V. Lloréns, El romanticismo español. Castalia.
V. García de la Concha (dir.), Historia de la literatura española, vols. 6, 7, 8, 9. Espasa-Calpe.
C. Martín Gaite, Usos amorosos del dieciocho en España. Anagrama.
M. Fernández Alvarez, Jovellanos, el patriota. Espasa.
Pérez Galdós, La Corte de Carlos IV. Alianza.
Clarín, Su

1. XVIII century: history, science and culture. The Encyclopedia and the Illustration.
2. Cultured Reformation in front of XVIII century theater. New Spanish scene drama. The cultured genres.
3. Representation space: theatrical architecture and city. Actors and public.
4. Sketch during XVIII century. Ramón de la Cruz victory. Mariana Cabañas and the women sketch.
5. Cultured theatrical writing. Jovellanos and Trigueros: the sentimental comedy. Moratín: own production and adaptations. Olavide activity.
6. European Romantic movement. Romanticism in Spain and their political and cultural keys. Debates among Neoclassicists and Romantics.
7. Romantic canon. Grimaldi as an artistic producer. Example of D. Alvaro. Larra and criticism. Late romanticism.
8. From customs comedy to high comedy. Breton de los Herreros, Tamayo and Baus.
9. Theater and social drama. Joaquín Dicenta and Enrique Gaspar.
10. Popular genres. Musical theater. José EchegarayÆs success.
11. Novel and theatrical renovation. Pérez GaldósÆs proposition. Theater and narrative in Clarin.
12. Valuation of a century of theatrical industry. Contemporary European theater: Maeterlinck, Ibsen, Pirandello. Continuity and innovation toward XX century.