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13845 Introduction to Hispanic Colonial Literature and 19th Century Spanish Literature - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination and project work
- BELLINI, Giuseppe, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Madrid, Castalia, 1985.
- FERNANDEZ MORENO, Cesar (ed.), América Latina en su literatura, México, UNESCO-Siglo XXI, 1972.
- GALEANO, Eduardo, Las venas abiertas de América Latina, 55ª ed., Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1988.
- GOIC, Cedomil, Historia y crítica de la literatura hispanoamericana, tomo I (Época colonial); tomo II (Del romanticismo al modernismo), Barcelona, Crítica, 1991.
- HENRIQUEZ UREÑA, Pedro, Las corrientes literarias en la América Hispánica, México, FCE, 1949.
- IÑIGO MADRIGAL, Luis (coord.), Historia de la literatura Hispanoamericana, tomo I (Época colonial); tomo II (Del neoclasicismo al modernismo), Madri

First part:
I - America without name.
1 - traumatism of the conquest.
2 - discursive formations and the canon problem. Official and alternative literature.
3 - Christopher Columbus and the first vision of America. Conquerors rhetoric.
4 - letters, relationships and chronicles. The success/failure in the conquest speech.
5 - the colonial fellow s oscillation: from Inca Garcilaso to Alonso de Ercilla.
6 - a current chronicles reading: The entenado, by Juan José Saer. ôEl eclipseö by Augusto Monterroso.
II - Life in the colony.
1 - Baroque: art of anticonquest.
2 - Baroque lyrical. Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz: the wise woman.
3 - conventual life and life writing.
3 - colonial order crisis. from Baroque to XIX century criticism. Enlighentment and Creole project

Second part:
I - The national organization: law, landscape and story.
1 û Nation construction and literary projection. The literate writer.
2 û The Argentinean generation of 1837. Civilization or barbarism: Domingo Faustino Sarmiento.
3 û ôGauchesqueö literature. Texts and codes crossing: José Hernández and José Hernández from Borges.
4 - Romantic novel. Jorge IsaacsÆ regressive utopia.
5 û National allegory re-writing: Rosario Castellanos.