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13821 Spanish as a Foreign Language - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Bibliografía orientativa
Bello, P. et al. (1990): Didáctica de las segundas lenguas. Estrategias y recursos básicos. Madrid, Santillana, Aula XXI.
Breen, M. P. (1990): "Paradigmas actuales en el diseño de programas de lenguas", Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación, 7/8, 7-32.
Candlin, Ch. (1990): "Hacia la enseñanza de lenguas basada en tareas", en Revista Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación, nº 7/8. pp. 33- 53.
Estaire, S. y J. Zanón (1990): "El diseño de unidades didácticas en L2 mediante tareas: Principios y desarrollo", Revista Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación, nº 7/8. pp. 55-90.
García Santa-Cecilia, A. (1995): El currículo de español como lengua extranjera. Madrid, Edelsa.
Instituo Cervantes (1994): La enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Plan curricul
This subject is recommendable to those students that plan devote themselves to language teaching after finishing the degree. This subject, part of a Studies Plan of Spanish Philology degree curricular itinerary, looks for an initial formation offering the necessary general knowledge to achieve an approach to second languages acquisition and to techniques and models of Spanish teaching as L2 or FL.

The specific objectives of this theoretical-practical subject are:
1. To discover the diverse disclipines influence and contributions in language didactics.
2. To know second language learning strategies.
3. To know different didactic procedures for the speaking skill development in Spanish s teaching-learning as foreign language.
4. To know and apply different programming and evaluation techniques in ELE (Spanish as foreign language) teaching-learning.
5. To know diverse avalaible resources and didactic teaching materials of Spanish as ELE.
6. To carry out a practical activity: to design the contents of a ELE didactic unit , activities elaboration to the linguistic abilities development or elaboration of didactic materials.
7. To develop skills through teamwork as well as to stimulate the critical capacity.

Contents and activities
Unit 0. Study object presentation. General considerations.
Unit 1. Second languages didactics: their relationship with Linguistics (grammatical theories)