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13725 Latin Phonetics and Morphology - Five-year degree in Classical Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Classical Languages
Lecturers in charge
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Continuos evaluation - -
W.S. ALLEN, Vox Latina. A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Latin, Cambridge 19892 (= 1978). M. BASSOLS DE CLIMENT, Fonética latina (con apénd. de S. MARINER BIGORRA, Fonemática latina), Madrid 1976 (= 1962). A. ERNOUT, Morphologie historique du latin, París 19533. F. KIECKERS, Historische lateinische Grammatik, Múnich 1960 (= 1930/1), II vols. M. LEUMANN, Lateinischen Lautû und Formenlehre, Múnich 1963(5). A. MANIET, La phonétique historique du latin..., París 1975(5). J. MOLINA YÉVENES, Estudios latinos I. Iniciación a la fonética, fonología y morfología, Barcelona 1969 (reed. de E. Borrell, Barcelona 1993) . P. MONTEIL, Éléments de phonétique et de morphologie du latin, París 1970 (trad. y actual. por C. Fernández, Elementos de fonética y morfología del latín, Sevilla 1992). M. NI
The following subject is perhaps already somewhat inappropriate .Latin Phonetics and Morphology is an optional course (10 credits) consisting of the presentation of three parts that, although autonomous and of very dissimilar extension, are interrelated. The preliminary part studies the graphematic aspects manifested in the Latin language while contemplating them from the main access doors of Latin Phonomorphology and Latin in general. In the second part the Latin language is examined in its phonological state including , both its phonetic aspects, and the phonematic, phonetactic and phonemes in general. The third part is dedicated to the analysis of the morphological characteristics of the Latin language, in its more relevant aspects. In the third part one learns of the diachronic and synchronous perspectives. For these characteristics the subject is presented as that of an essentially theoretical nature. For the practical part the most pragmatic aspects in the subject will be emphasized, and the reading of works of Ancient Latin related with the treated matter will also be recommended; in this respect the Orator of CICERÓN, the texts of the Latin grammarians will also be available, both in singular editions or in the summary of H. KEIL, Grammatici Latini, (Hildesheim 1961 reimpr.), the Institutiones Oratoriae of QUINTILIANO and that Of Latin Lingua of VARRÓN.
Basic objectives of the course are both the mastery of the theoretical contents of the subject