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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13645 Pedagogy of Written Language - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures with student intervention in the practical work.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
-ADLEWR,M.J. (1996): Cómo leer un libro. Madrid. Debate
-BLOOM,H. (2001): Cómo leer y por qué. Barcelona. Anagrama
-COLOMER,T. y CAMPS,A. (1991): Ensenyar a llegir, ensenyar a comprendre. Madrid. Celeste Ediciones.
-GRAVES,D.H. (1991): Didáctica de la escritura. Madrid. Morata
-MANGUEL,A. (1998): Una historia de la lectura. Madrid. Alianza
-PENNAC,D. (1993): Como una novela. Barcelona. Anagrama
-TEBEROSKY,A. y SOLÉ,I. (1999): Psicopedagogia de le lectura i de l'escriptura. Barcelona. EDIUOC
-WRAY,D. y LEWIS,M. (2000): Aprender a leer y escribir textos de información. Madrid. Morata.
OBJECTIVES AND CONTENTS: A. Describers B.O.E. (16-08-2000): Processes acquiring reading-writing skills. Their teaching and learning at the different levels of the educational system. Curriculum and literacy. Elaboration of written texts. Social projection and acquisition of reading habits. B. BLOCKS OF CONTENT: We wish to respond, among other things, to the following questions, from the pedagogic-didactic perspective: - What is to read and write? How is written language born and developed ? How, where, when, who, for what reason, do we read and write? How do we know if one knows how to read and write? How does one end up being a reader and writer? What is the responsibility of the family, the school and society in the acquisition of reading habits? MODULE 1. READING AND WRITING IN A LITERATE WORLD MODULE 2. TOWARDS A NEW PEDAGOGY OF THE WRITTEN LANGUAGE MODULE 3. THE PLEASURE OF READING AND WRITING