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13640 Pedagogy and Crime - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education Theory
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Lectures covering the theoretical topics. Dynamic methodology, participative and active, through practical sessions, text commentary, analysis of videos, articles and documents
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Fermoso, P. (1990). Pedagogía Social. Madrid: Dykinson.

Garrido, V. (1993). Técnicas de tratamiento para delincuentes. Madrid: Ramón Areces.

Garrido, V. (2002). Contra la violencia: las semillas del bien y del mal. Alzira: Algar.

Garrido, V. y Martínez, M.D. (1997). Educación social para delincuentes. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.

Harris, J. (2000). El mito de la educación. Barcelona: Grijalbo

Ortega, J. (Coordinador) (1999). Pedagogía social especializada. Barcelona: Ariel.

Urra, J. (2000). Adolescentes en conflicto. Madrid: Pirámide.

Vázquez Mezquita, B. (1985). Agresión sexual. Evaluación y tratamiento en menores. Madrid: Siglo XXI.

This subject aims to outline the most relevant lines of thought and application for the educator's role in the field of delinquency. Thus, questions such as prevention at home and at school, are combined with the psychological and social explanatory elements that contribute to the development of violence and delinquency. The content is structured in three parts: the first part looks at the human condition that explains violence and the contrary one (prosocial behavior) as development possibilities. The second analyzes conditions and facilitators of delinquency and violence in the human being, from psychological variables to the pressure exerted by group and tradition, following the rules of family socialization and relationships at school and in the community. The part third explores how prosocial personalities develop, placing emphasis on the work carried out at school and at home, but with reflections on the wider environment, like culture and justice.