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13637 School Organisation and Management - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
The subject will be organized in a more theoretical-conceptual way in the first part and in the second part it will be more related to the analysis and evaluation of different projects and organizational experiences in school centers
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ANTÚNEZ, S.: Claves para la organización de centros escolares. Barcelona, Horsori 1993
BALL, S.J.: La micropolítica de la escuela. Barcelona/Madrid, Paidós/MEC 1989
BATES, R. et al: Práctica crítica de la administración educativa. Valencia, Universitat de València 1989
BELTRÁN, F. Y SAN MARTÍN, A.: Diseñar la coherencia escolar. Madrid, Morata 2000
CORONEL LLAMAS, J.M.: Organizaciones escolares. Nuevas propuestas de análisis e investigación. Huelva, Universidad de Huelva 1998
SANTOS GUERRA, M.A.: La luz del prisma. Para comprender las organizaciones educativas. Archidona, Aljibe 1997
- CONTENT: Theoretical programme: Institutionalization of teaching and the school organization. The different theoretical approaches to school organizations. Organizational characteristics of school centers in the Spanish educational system. Macro and micro organizational policies. Structural and cultural dimensions of the organization. Power, resistance, conflicts and organizational democracy. Administration, participation, government and control of school organizations. Evaluation of school organizations. - OBJECTIVES: 1. To build, in an autonomous way, a theoretical body on the School Organization, characterized by the conceptual and terminological rigor. 2. Acquire critical and well-founded knowledge of the structure and operation of our Educational System. 3. Analysis and evaluation of the organizational life of school centers. 4. To identify the most outstanding organizational variables, as well as the legislation that regulates the operation of school centers.