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13625 History of Schools - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Comparative Education and History of Education
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Teacher presentations and student intervention in practical sessions.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ESTEBAN, León, LOPEZ, Ramón. Historia de la Enseñanza y de la Escuela. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia, 1994
"Historia de la Escuela", Revista Historia de la Educación, 16 (1997) nº monográfico
PALACIOS, J. (1997), La Cuestión Escolar, Barcelona, Laia
LOPEZ MARTIN, R. (2001), La escuela por dentro. Perspectivas de la cultura escolar en la España del SigloXX, Universitat de València.
OBJECTIVES: To understand the historical evolution and the current meaning of school as a phenomenon, institution and educational product. To understand relationships between educational models developed in each historical stage and birth of diverse ways of understanding the meaning of school. To understand the school as a specific product of each educational model. To acquire knowledge of the ôschool cultureö during each historical phase. CONTENT 1. Origins and birth. The first models of school institution. 2. School diversity during Humanism stage; organizational and teaching procedures. 3. Public school and birth of educational systems.