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13614 Pedagogical Functions Update - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures and practical activities. Individual and cooperative work. Didactic tools
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
BIDDLE B.J., GOOD, Th.L. y GOODSON, (2000) La enseñanza y los profesores. Barcelona. Paidós
CARRERA GONZALO, M.J. (2000) Evolucionar como Profesor. Madrid. Comares.
CONTRERAS, J. (1997) La autonomía del profesorado. Madrid. Morata
FERRERES, V. e IMBERNON, F.(Eds.) (1999) Formación y actualización de la función pedagógica. Madrid, Síntesis.
MARCELO, C. (1994) Formación del profesorado para el cambio educativo. P.P.U. Barcelona.
MONTERO, L. (2001) La construcción del conocimiento profesional del docente. Homo Sapiens. Rosario (Argentina)
VILLAR ANGULO, L.H. (1999) Construcción y análisis de procesos de enseñanza, teoría e investigación. Vilassar de mar (Barcelona). Oikos Tau.
- CONTENT: 1. The teacher as a professional: metaphors and the characteristic image of the teacher. 2. Research into teaching and the teacher's training . Patterns of teacher training and development in the teaching practice 3. Educational policies in teacher training: Institutions. Plans and programs and pedagogic advice. 4. Strategies for the improvement and development of the former to analyze educational performance, assert thought, reflection, collaboration and values. OBJECTIVES: To build up learning significantly. To know how to confront socio-communicatively individual and group learning. Self-realization capacity and emotional education through constructive criticism and intellectual, personal and professional enrichment. To know the most significant models in the field of teacher training. To critically analyse the plans and current training programs. To develop reflexive practices through the study and analysis of different cases, real or imaginary training situations